Friday, December 25, 2015

The Father Wept

*My first poem!! It's not the best, but it's a start.... As always, I love to hear your thoughts. Merry Christmas!*

In David’s town, that blessed night,
Our humble Saviour was born;
And as his mother cried in pain,
His Father wept for her.

When mothers’ screams rent the air
And babes were slaughtered in sight,
The Father wept to see them ache,
To watch his children moan. 

He knew the suffering would one day end,
Through the life and death of His Perfect Son;
A love so great that he would die,
A love incomprehensible.

Sickness, loss, earthly trials and pains,
The Saviour selflessly endured;
But the Father wept to see His Prince
Serve those he ruled above.

In the Garden waiting to be taken,
The Holy Son poured out his pain;
Though yearning to release his Child,
The Father wept instead.

His agony was great, but love was more;
He loved through suffering;
He loved through pain and misery;
He loved us unto death.

Beaten and mocked, He carried the Cross,
Walking the road to Calvary,
As Silent tears rolled down His face;
The Father wept with Him.

Nails through flesh through wooden cross,
Perfect blood spilled down,
The Father turned his face away,
And wept to loose his Son.

The day had come, the day of triumph;
The day of sorrow and pain;
When love would triumph and give life,
Through undeserved death.

Three days later, the debt was paid,
The promise was fulfilled,
Crying tears of joy this day,
The Father gave new life.

His love had triumphed, the day was won;
His tears not shed in vain;
Through perfect life, through perfect death

Eternal life He won.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Gift

*Once again, I've used a prompt. This time, though, I am focused more on the technique: the words, the rhythm, the form. I will be doing more technique writing soon, so stay tuned, and please comment! I love getting feedback. What can I improve on? What do you like? Anything helps!*

I found this on Pinterest and the link lead nowhere. It's not mine.
He gave it to me. He, the boy I had dreamed of for years, had dreamt of me too. He, with those beautiful eyes that express so much. He, the brilliant, responsible, respected boy. The one everyone wanted. The one about whom people would always say, “I’d be proud to call him son,” or “The girl he chooses will be one mighty special girl.” When he was younger, his only sister, a twin, died. They were always together. I overheard him say they’d always be together in the spirit. He forgot no one. He never forgot a promise he’d made. Even if the person he gave the promise to had. He was perfect in every way, even in his faults.  Once, he got angry because a boy kept teasing a girl who’s mom just died. He punched the boy. No one blamed him, but he took his punishment anyway. That boy, he gave me his heart.

He gave it to me. Me, a girl no one ever noticed. The girl who found the corners and contentedly watched others, never talking to people, never attracting people, but deep down inside craving attention. Whose greatest fear was loneliness. I held myself higher than everyone else. I told myself that the reason no one liked me was because they felt they weren’t worthy of me. In reality, I was never worthy of anyone; am not worthy of anyone. My pride had gotten in the way of love. But he broke down that wall in me. I flaunted his love. I showed I was not worthy of it. I acted proudly about it. Only when I had loved in return, truly loved without selfish ambition, only then, could I be worthy of the gift. Me, the one who could never deserve him. He gave me his heart.

He gave it to me. A gift for a lifetime. A gift that could not be re-gifted. To give something insinuates it was given willingly, with no pressure, all of his own freewill. But to give a heart, ah! That means so much more! To give a heart means to give life, to give everything. A heart is something that’s only given when the giver deems the recipient worthy. People say they give their heart, but few truly mean it. It is a gift of trust. To truly give a heart away, the giver gives away everything that he is. He is willing to do anything and everything for love. He does it righteously. To give a heart means to love. And he gave it to me.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Current Writing Projects

Currently, I am working on documenting my (amazing) trip to Europe. If you are interested in reading about it, hope on over to my other blog! I'll put the links to the posts here.

Europe 2015
A Dream Come True: Part 1
A Dream Come True: Part 2
A Dream Come True: Part 3
A Dream Come True: Part 4
A Dream Come True: Part 5
A Dream Come True: Part 6
A Dream Come True: Part 7
A Dream Come True: Part 8
A Dream Come True: Part 9
A Dream Come True: Part 10
A Dream Come True: Part 11
A Dream Come True: Part 12
A Dream Come True: Part 13
A Dream Come True: Part 14
A Dream Come True: Part 15
A Dream Come True: Part 16

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer Reading/Writing Bucket List

Summer Reading Bucket List!

  • Read a book you’ve never read before.
  • Re-read a favourite book.
  • Read a book you’ve always wanted to read, but never have.
  • Find your inner child! Read a new children’s book.
  • Read a classic.
  • Finish a book you’ve started but haven’t gotten around to read.
Summer Writing Bucket List!
  • Write a short story.
  • Write a poem.
  • Dig up an old story and re-vamp it!
  • Write 2500 words.
  • Keep a regular journal.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Exciting News!!

As you may remember, earlier this year (oh! so long ago.... Where has time gone?!?!), I shared with you a story, Papa's Kind of Love. Well, I was so pleased with it, that I submitted it to a little contest of sorts. The local college I attend for Duel Enrollment has an annual journal featuring student's stories, poems, and essays. I had heard about Blackwater Review and had always been interested in submitting my work to a contest, so I decided to do so. I liked my story, had received good feedback on it so far, and realized there was nothing to lose. Well, after three *long* months, I finally heard back: my story was accepted!! Still, every time I think about my work being published—published—I still can't quite fathom it. Hopefully, this summer I will be able to write a bit more. I say that every year, though, don't I? ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Papa's Kind of Love

*This is a story I began writing during math class one day. As I began typing it up, it became much more than a story. I also used a new technique for introducing backstory and developing the main character, that of flashbacks. I quite like it now....*

“Aw! You wouldn’t last a day!” Jordan sneered at me. His cronies stood crowded behind him laughing along. 

I stood facing him in my front door, arms crossed, feet planted firmly, eyebrows raised threateningly. “If you’re so sure,” I taunted, “then you won’t mind me tagging along, will you?”
I desperately tried to hide a smile.

Jordan’s face blanched a little, but Kyle didn’t see. “Why not? We’ll see if she can even carry everything she packs. Ha!”

“Fine.” Jordan spat. “But remember, we aren’t babying you, ok? You’re carrying your own stuff, and we won’t be walking you back home when you’re scared. We’re leaving at 9--sharp.”

“Well, thank you!” I breathed. “I wouldn’t want to be such a burden.” My sarcasm barely touched them. Rolling my eyes, I turned back inside to begin packing.

Camping! I’d loved camping ever since I was a child. Papa would convince Mamma to let me go with him on small hunting trips or even sometimes when he got an odd job in the next town over. Mamma would usually give when she saw my excitement, worry-wort though she was. Papa would help me pack as little as I could and load me up so I could carry it. I smiled as I pictured my little four-year-old self with a pack almost as big as herself piled upon her back, trundling and skipping alongside Papa down the trail. I walked to my room and opened the closet with Papa’s camping supplies I managed to sneak away before Mamma burned them all. Everything was placed neatly on the shelf: a tarp, blanket, rope, a few clothespins, and Papa’s long hunting knife. I pulled them down and rolled them up inside the tarp to make my bundle, adding a change of clothes. Leaving the roll on my bed, I returned to the kitchen where I found the small camping pot Papa would carry in the back corner of the bottom cabinet. I had convinced Mamma to let us keep it since it was small and could be useful for sauces. From the basket on the counter, I grabbed an onion, two carrots, two potatoes, and a few small turnips and put them on a large dishcloth. Carefully pinching the stems, I added some parsley, rosemary, and basil to the pile and then filled two small jars with salt and pepper. Then, I filled a flour sack the size of my hand with some barley. As I gathered the food supplies, I could hear Papa’s voice telling me how we would find water and meat for supper.

“We’ll find a nice camp site near a stream and forest, and then we can make a delicious soup. We’ll set these traps up in the forest to catch some small meat like squirrel or rabbit. While our water is heating over the fire, I’ll prepare the meat, and you can start cutting the vegetables. It will all cook together for a bit and then we’ll have a nice warm supper to eat.”

I reminisced as I packed, being careful not to disturb Mamma’s rest. Ever since Papa’s death, she was ailing. It was so sudden that I don’t think she ever recovered from the shock. Were it not for her health, I probably would have done the same; nevertheless, someone had to take care of her. She took to her bed and would stare out the window. I think she was waiting for Papa to return. Now, she hated the mention of camping since he loved it so much. Papa had grown up in a caravan, so he often grew tired of staying in one place. But Mamma was a home-body; she was firm about making a house a home, and “you can only do that if you stay in one place.” He retaliated by taking jobs in other towns so he could travel. He would be back in two weeks at most, usually only one, depending on how long it took to make repairs or build a house. 

I left a soup on the stove and told her I would be back in a few days: I had a job in the next town over. As much as it hurt to tell a lie, I didn’t want to hurt Mamma more than I had to. Seeing her vacant face, I resolved to ask our neighbor to look in on her. 

With my small pack on my, Papa’s hunting knife on my belt (hidden of course), and my walking stick in my hand, I walked to the meeting place the boys had arranged. I almost laughed out loud when I saw the size of the boys’ packs. Poor Liam was the pack-mule and was loaded down with so much stuff he could barely walk. When they saw my pack, they were stunned.

“How much longer until we start? I want to get there early.” I asked

We were soon on our way, very slowly due to their heavy loads. Before an hour was out, they boys were exhausted, but, seeing my energy, they pushed themselves. At noon we stopped for lunch. I snacked on a few biscuits and an apple and sat down; I was ignored. I simply listened in on their conversations and mentally corrected their stupidity. They were privileged, had never seen hardship, and thought they knew everything. Papa only made enough money to pay for what we needed and very few frivolities. When Papa died and I became the sole provider for the family, we had even less. Any meat we ate came from the snares I set in the forest behind the house. I managed to keep a small garden of vegetables, and rationed the flour and oats I bought occasionally. I had almost stopped growing, so clothes were not a problem; when I did need new clothes, I learned to take in Mamma’s old clothes. I had learned a lot from hardship, lessons that cannot be learnt from books.

It was already three o’clock by the time we reached our camp site. The boys had chosen an area perfect for camping: close to a forest and a bubbling stream, just what Papa always suggested. I knew if I wanted meat for supper I would need to set my traps and snares immediately. I dropped my bundle near the trees where I wanted to sleep and started into the forest.

“I’ll be back soon!” I shouted to whoever would hear me, which was probably only the animals.

After my traps were set, I returned to set up camp. It didn’t look as if it would rain, so I spread my tarp on the ground and put a blanket on top. It was warm, so I would probably be able to just use my cloak as an over-blanket for the night. I went down to the stream, washed the vegetables, and filled my small pot, then, once I returned, began a fire. I figured I should probably check my traps by then.

“If I’m not back in an hour, you can come looking for me.” Once again, I doubted anyone had listened.

I found a rabbit caught in my first snare; he was still alive. Kneeling down, I petted him under the chin until he died. I hated fining them still alive; I hated the thought of killing an innocent animal. Still, I knew it was only the way of life. After gathering the rest of my kill -- one more rabbit and a squirrel -- I skinned and cleaned them. By the time I got back to camp, the boys had begun to think about going after me. Maybe they’re not as bad as I thought. I considered. Of course, I didn’t show it…

My stew turned out delicious, even the boys agreed. In fact, there was none left. The boys had made a large bonfire and, after tasting my stew, had invited me to join them around it for toasted cheese. I offered up the squirrel I had saved, but they refused, looking at it in disgust. Shrugging my shoulders, I cut the squirrel into small chunks and began toasting it with some cheese. Night fell: the sky was clear, and millions of stars sparkled in the sky while the moon shone resiliently, casting a mystical aura on the camp site. I soon retired to my pallet to take in the beauty of the night. Although Mamma did not like camping, she did always enjoy siting outside on a clear night to star gaze. When I was younger, we would lay a blanket on the ground, and she and Papa would point out the constellations and stars. Even after I was sent to bed, Mamma and Papa would stay out gazing. I would occasionally hear Mamma telling Papa about a particular star or constellation. Being the curious child I was, I would sneak out to the window and look out on them. Papa would simply listen to Mama and smile. He once told me it was hearing her tell a story to some children that he first fell in love with her. “First?” I asked him. “Oh yes, small one. I fall in love with your mother every time I see her, every time I hear her voice, every time I think of her. That’s the beauty of true love: you never stop and it never leaves you.” I fell asleep gazing at the stars and dreamt of Papa’s kind of love.