Friday, December 25, 2015

The Father Wept

*My first poem!! It's not the best, but it's a start.... As always, I love to hear your thoughts. Merry Christmas!*

In David’s town, that blessed night,
Our humble Saviour was born;
And as his mother cried in pain,
His Father wept for her.

When mothers’ screams rent the air
And babes were slaughtered in sight,
The Father wept to see them ache,
To watch his children moan. 

He knew the suffering would one day end,
Through the life and death of His Perfect Son;
A love so great that he would die,
A love incomprehensible.

Sickness, loss, earthly trials and pains,
The Saviour selflessly endured;
But the Father wept to see His Prince
Serve those he ruled above.

In the Garden waiting to be taken,
The Holy Son poured out his pain;
Though yearning to release his Child,
The Father wept instead.

His agony was great, but love was more;
He loved through suffering;
He loved through pain and misery;
He loved us unto death.

Beaten and mocked, He carried the Cross,
Walking the road to Calvary,
As Silent tears rolled down His face;
The Father wept with Him.

Nails through flesh through wooden cross,
Perfect blood spilled down,
The Father turned his face away,
And wept to loose his Son.

The day had come, the day of triumph;
The day of sorrow and pain;
When love would triumph and give life,
Through undeserved death.

Three days later, the debt was paid,
The promise was fulfilled,
Crying tears of joy this day,
The Father gave new life.

His love had triumphed, the day was won;
His tears not shed in vain;
Through perfect life, through perfect death

Eternal life He won.

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